The interest in nature has been instilled in me since childhood by my grandfather. He frequently took me for walks in the forest and passionately shared his knowledge about it. I was greatly fascinated by its scale, growth, and development.
I have genuinely been amazed by the world I stepped into.

This interest has never left me and led me to pursue studies in Bioengineering later in life. Here, I delved into the intriguing world of plant physiology. In my thesis, I conducted research on the influence of light on plants and how it can be used to control them. Since then, it was clear to me that I wanted a job where I could play a role in steering this process to optimize plant growth.
One of the sectors where I could find this challenge is greenhouse horticulture. This led me to explore, and I ended up among the tomato plants. While I had a relatively vague idea of what the sector would look like, I was genuinely amazed by the world I stepped into.
Den Berk Délice is a highly professional and modern company. It's incredible how many different people, machines, and techniques are required for tomato production. Yet, they manage to harmonize these seamlessly. In this way, everyone here has the opportunity to develop in the areas that interest them the most.
It's enjoyable to learn from the years of accumulated experiences and expertise. Yet, there is still room for discussion and exchange of ideas to grow together.
In my role as cultivation and energy manager at the Vrouwkensblok location, I can fully focus on creating the optimal conditions for the production of flavorful tomatoes. It's enjoyable to learn from the years of accumulated experiences and expertise. Yet, there is still room for discussion and exchange of ideas to grow together.